Creating the first design community at Rutgers University.

Design Director
July 2021 - January 2023
Adobe Illustrator


I worked with a team of 6 other students to create an organization for Rutgers University that serves as a welcoming and nurturing environment for students interested in digital design.

I was in charge of branding, logo design, event graphics, posters and any other assets the club needed.

the design process

Design processs
Instagram Posts GIF

who is creative x?

I began my process by asking key questions in order to narrow down the purpose of the club. I worked with my other co-founders to craft our identity and think about how we wanted students to perceive and view the organization. We asked the following questions:

• Why are we creating this club?

• What do we provide for students joining the club?

• What do we want our focus to be? More professional or more casual?

• How do we want to present ourselves?


our focus

We ultimately decided on being a community for beginner designers. We would host a mixture of workshops as well as industry events so that experienced students could gain more knowledge as well.
Storyboard for club

we are a community dedicated to teaching and helping students in the UX design field.

the amount of club members went from 86 to 253 in three months with the new branding.


sketching the logo

I made my initial sketches of the logomark. Taking the research I did, my mission with the logo was to make it:

• Long-lasting

• Fun

• Recognizable

• Unique

logo sketching
Logo Options


Below is one the main color palettes I used for event posters and merchandise. Because I didn't want to limit the club brand to a single color palette, I made sure to choose colors that were:

• Desaturated

• Not too bright

• Contrasting

• Retro

colors chosen


We chose the typeface Syne for headings and titles of any graphics or posters. It provided a modern look for the club and was readable while also having personality. We used the typeface Sono for body text because it's monospace look was readable and matched well with Syne.
Fonts chosen
Eboard Photo

key takeaways

Throughout our journey, my team and I learned the importance of:

1. Working in a team and taking everyone's ideas into consideration while being honest

2. Taking initiative and teaching other designers on my committee how to utilize the visual identity of the club


Here are some critiques from participants who chose the original Postmates design:

"It can list more recent orders. Also the big picture is not necessary, since I already know the restaurant, I just need order info instead."

"You can see more of your orders, the pictures take too much space."
Using the critiques highlighted above we went back to Figma to make changes to our initial design by:

1. Making the pictures smaller

2. Allowing more information for the recent order to be visible


sketching the logo

creative x logo traits
I made my initial sketches of the logomark. My mission with the logo was to make it:
that's all folks!
check out some of my other work
postmates picture
subway artwork image
postmates redesign.
Designing a solution for returning users of the Postmates mobile application.
my artwork.
Some digital art I made using Adobe Illustrator and Procreate.
that's all folks!
check out some of my other work
Postmates Case StudyArtwork

I didn't want to limit the club brand to a set color palette. I made sure to choose colors that were:


not too bright
